The conference itself and access to Zoom will be via this website (Eventzilla).
In order to attend Session ELL 2021, you need to:
1. Join the SessionELL2021 Event Space
If you haven't already, you need to both create a user here on Eventzilla and one-click-join the SessionELL2021 Event space. If you have created a user before (such as attending JALT, JALTCALL, PanSIG, or ER Seminar) you do not need to create a new one. Simply log in and join the SessionELL2021 Event space.
2. Get a ticket on this Event Space
Once you have completed the above you'll be able to get a ticket to this conference by simply following the Ticket link on this site and paying by PayPal.
You'll be able to enter the Zoom rooms, provided you have a ticket, by following the Live Schedule link or by viewing individual session pages where you'll see a link to enter.
Simply click on the presentation and enter via the button there.